Deployment For Dumbasses (Like Me): “Heavy Support” (Shooty) Units

THIS VINTAGE JUNGLE POST first appeared in 2015. Because it was popular with visitors, I am sharing it again now. I have made some revisions to the original post to account for changes to the game. THIS SERIES is for Continue reading Deployment For Dumbasses (Like Me): “Heavy Support” (Shooty) Units

Evil Robotz (TM) vs. Becker Boyz

A DARK HALL, empty save for a high dais, and atop it, a throne illuminated by a single overhead light. A cloaked figure, wreathed in shadows despite the light, sat there.The figure raised its head as the doors at the Continue reading Evil Robotz (TM) vs. Becker Boyz

Forget 40K: I’m Going “Grimdark” (Part 1)

I STARTED PLAYING Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40K in 1987, when it first arrived in the United States. While for the most part, it’s been a lot of fun, I’m done with the game. I don’t see myself ever playing again. Continue reading Forget 40K: I’m Going “Grimdark” (Part 1)

The Fighting Tigers of Veda: Overview

FIRST IN A SERIES of preliminary reports (Translated to Imperial Gothic from High Mahaduyanan) ++MEMORANDUM TO: [REDACTED], Ordo Astartes++ ++FROM: Inquisitor Varman Kumar++ ++DATE: 2882002.M42++ PER YOUR DIRECTIVE, I am conducting a multi-year investigation of the Adeptus Astartes Chapter known Continue reading The Fighting Tigers of Veda: Overview