The Orcboy Opines on 40K (Part 2): The Definition of Insanity

LONG-TIME JUNGLE VISITORS will remember Ken Lacy, aka “The Fabulous Orcboy,” who wrote several posts and contributed to many battle reports and campaigns under the old version of this site. Ken is a 40K veteran, a literal scholar, and a true Continue reading The Orcboy Opines on 40K (Part 2): The Definition of Insanity

Forget 40K: I’m Going “Grimdark” (Part 1)

I STARTED PLAYING Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40K in 1987, when it first arrived in the United States. While for the most part, it’s been a lot of fun, I’m done with the game. I don’t see myself ever playing again. Continue reading Forget 40K: I’m Going “Grimdark” (Part 1)