The Fighting Tigers of Veda: “Female Fighting Tigers”

FOURTH IN A SERIES of preliminary reports (Translated to Imperial Gothic from High Mahaduyanan) ++MEMORANDUM TO: [REDACTED], Ordo Astartes++ ++FROM: Inquisitor Varman Kumar++ ++DATE: 0688024.M42++ PER YOUR DIRECTIVE, I am conducting a multi-year investigation of the Adeptus Astartes Chapter known Continue reading The Fighting Tigers of Veda: “Female Fighting Tigers”

Deployment For Dumbasses (Like Me): “Heavy Support” (Shooty) Units

THIS VINTAGE JUNGLE POST first appeared in 2015. Because it was popular with visitors, I am sharing it again now. I have made some revisions to the original post to account for changes to the game. THIS SERIES is for Continue reading Deployment For Dumbasses (Like Me): “Heavy Support” (Shooty) Units

Evil Robotz (TM) vs. Becker Boyz

A DARK HALL, empty save for a high dais, and atop it, a throne illuminated by a single overhead light. A cloaked figure, wreathed in shadows despite the light, sat there.The figure raised its head as the doors at the Continue reading Evil Robotz (TM) vs. Becker Boyz

The Fabulous Orcboy’s NovaCon 2023 Diary (Part 1)

LONG-TIME JUNGLE VISITORS will remember Ken Lacy, aka “The Fabulous Orcboy,” who wrote several posts and contributed to many battle reports and campaigns under the old version of this site. Ken is a 40K veteran, a literal scholar, and a Continue reading The Fabulous Orcboy’s NovaCon 2023 Diary (Part 1)

The Fighting Tigers of Veda: Organization

THIRD IN A SERIES of preliminary reports (Translated to Imperial Gothic from High Mahaduyanan) ++MEMORANDUM TO: [REDACTED], Ordo Astartes++ ++FROM: Inquisitor Varman Kumar++ ++DATE: 0451023.M42++ PER YOUR DIRECTIVE, I am conducting a multi-year investigation of the Adeptus Astartes Chapter known Continue reading The Fighting Tigers of Veda: Organization

Forget 40K: I’m Going “Grimdark” (Part 1)

I STARTED PLAYING Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40K in 1987, when it first arrived in the United States. While for the most part, it’s been a lot of fun, I’m done with the game. I don’t see myself ever playing again. Continue reading Forget 40K: I’m Going “Grimdark” (Part 1)

The Fighting Tigers of Veda: Homeworld

SECOND IN A SERIES of preliminary reports (Translated to Imperial Gothic from High Mahaduyanan) ++MEMORANDUM TO: [REDACTED], Ordo Astartes++ ++FROM: Inquisitor Varman Kumar++ ++DATE: 3282002.M42++ PER YOUR DIRECTIVE, I am conducting a multi-year investigation of the Adeptus Astartes Chapter known Continue reading The Fighting Tigers of Veda: Homeworld

The Fighting Tigers of Veda: Overview

FIRST IN A SERIES of preliminary reports (Translated to Imperial Gothic from High Mahaduyanan) ++MEMORANDUM TO: [REDACTED], Ordo Astartes++ ++FROM: Inquisitor Varman Kumar++ ++DATE: 2882002.M42++ PER YOUR DIRECTIVE, I am conducting a multi-year investigation of the Adeptus Astartes Chapter known Continue reading The Fighting Tigers of Veda: Overview