The Orcboy Opines on 40K (Part 1): 10th Edition

LONG-TIME JUNGLE VISITORS will remember Ken Lacy, aka “The Fabulous Orcboy,” who wrote several posts and contributed to many battle reports and campaigns under the old version of this site. Ken is a 40K veteran, a literal scholar, and a true Continue reading The Orcboy Opines on 40K (Part 1): 10th Edition

How 40K Is Like Football (And What You Can Learn From It) 

THIS VINTAGE JUNGLE POST first appeared in 2017. Because it was popular with visitors, I am sharing it again now. Some information may have changed since it was originally posted. I STARTED PLAYING Warhammer 40,000 when it first arrived in Continue reading How 40K Is Like Football (And What You Can Learn From It)