Deployment For Dumbasses (Like Me): Elite Units

THIS SERIES is for idiots like me who suck at deployment, and would like some general advice (learned the hard way) on how to do better. You can find the introduction here. I originally intended for these articles to be for 40K, Continue reading Deployment For Dumbasses (Like Me): Elite Units

Deployment For Dumbasses (Like Me): Troop Units

THIS VINTAGE JUNGLE POST first appeared in 2015. Because it was popular with visitors, I am sharing it again. I have made some revisions to the original post to account for changes to the game, but there will most likely be some Continue reading Deployment For Dumbasses (Like Me): Troop Units

Deployment For Dumbasses (Like Me): “Heavy Support” (Non-Shooty) Units

THIS VINTAGE JUNGLE POST first appeared in 2015. Because it was popular with visitors, I am sharing it again. I have made some revisions to the original post to account for changes to the game, but there will most likely be Continue reading Deployment For Dumbasses (Like Me): “Heavy Support” (Non-Shooty) Units

Deployment For Dumbasses (Like Me): “Heavy Support” (Shooty) Units

THIS VINTAGE JUNGLE POST first appeared in 2015. Because it was popular with visitors, I am sharing it again. I have made some revisions to the original post to account for changes to the game, but there will most likely be Continue reading Deployment For Dumbasses (Like Me): “Heavy Support” (Shooty) Units