The State of the Jungle 2025

ON FEBRUARY 2, 2000 the Jungle went online; today, we commemorate this site’s 25th anniversary, and the beginning of its 26th year of posts. When I hit the upload link 25 years ago and launched the Jungle onto the Web, Continue reading The State of the Jungle 2025

The Fighting Tigers of Veda: “Female Fighting Tigers”

FOURTH IN A SERIES of preliminary reports (Translated to Imperial Gothic from High Mahaduyanan) ++MEMORANDUM TO: [REDACTED], Ordo Astartes++ ++FROM: Inquisitor Varman Kumar++ ++DATE: 0688024.M42++ PER YOUR DIRECTIVE, I am conducting a multi-year investigation of the Adeptus Astartes Chapter known Continue reading The Fighting Tigers of Veda: “Female Fighting Tigers”

Evil Robotz (TM) vs. Becker Boyz

A DARK HALL, empty save for a high dais, and atop it, a throne illuminated by a single overhead light. A cloaked figure, wreathed in shadows despite the light, sat there.The figure raised its head as the doors at the Continue reading Evil Robotz (TM) vs. Becker Boyz

Armies of the Jungle: Yblis’ Centurions

IN THIS SERIES, we showcase armies used by your humble Jungle Guides. By detailing how the army was collected, how the background and color schemes were developed, and how the army is used on the battlefield, we hope that this Continue reading Armies of the Jungle: Yblis’ Centurions

the Jungle Loses One of Our Own

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE of Jungle Guide Patrick Eibel’s wife Marie (“Pippa,”) who passed away from a heart attack on January 14, 2023, at the age of 52. Pippa had been ill for some time, culminating in a stroke Continue reading the Jungle Loses One of Our Own

A Grim, Dark Future for Auros IX

“KEEP YER BEADY eyeballz skinned!” Big Boss Nadzdrag bellowed. His boyz trudged along the cold desert plain, heads down, not because they were tired, but because their leader was looking for something. Many somethings, in fact. It had been several Continue reading A Grim, Dark Future for Auros IX