Deployment For Dumbasses (Like Me): Elite Units

THIS SERIES is for idiots like me who suck at deployment, and would like some general advice (learned the hard way) on how to do better. You can find the introduction here. I originally intended for these articles to be for 40K, but they’re relevant, methinks, to similar games, such as Grimdark Future.

10th Edition 40K has done away with the Force Organization Charts that it used in previous editions. The FOC charts divided units into certain categories–HQ; Troops; Elites; Fast Attack; and Heavy Support–and even though those designations no longer exist, it’s still helpful to use them for deployment. Think of them as functions for the various units.

Remember, I’m not a master player, and this series isn’t meant for master players: it’s for newbies, folks who want a refresher, and dumbasses (like me) who need things explained simply and slowly.    

Models painted and photographed by Philipp Hadler. Used with permission.

There have always been a wide variety of Elite units in 40K, none more iconic than Space Marine Terminators. Other Elite choices (depending on what edition you were playing at the time*) included certain Aeldari Aspect Warriors, Drukhari Trueborn and Incubi, Necron Triarch Praetorians, Tyranid Hive Guard, Ork Kommandos, T’au Crisis Suits, etc.

*Certain codices recategorized some previously Elite units as Troops, and some Troops as Elites; e.g. Space Marine Scouts, Necron Immortals, and Aeldari Dire Avengers.

Elite units are notable for:

Small unit size. They usually consist of 3-5 models, though sometimes as few as 1, but almost never more than 10.

Outstanding combat ability. Elites are skilled at shooting or close combat, or both. Guns are usually short to medium range, but are often quite deadly. Melee armament is usually some version of power weapons or the like that can effortlessly cleave through armor, or even vehicles.

Resiliency. Elite warriors often have better armor or greater Toughness than the Troops they fight alongside.

High point cost. All this excellence doesn’t come cheap.

Astra Militarum Ogryns

Using Elites

While Elite units, like Troops, can take and hold objectives, really, they’re best at inflicting large amounts of punishment on the enemy. Used correctly, Elites can be backbreakers, wreaking havoc on the other guy’s army, smashing through (or gunning down) the opposition, allowing your Troops to more easily seize objectives unopposed.

Which is not to say that Elites are invincible. Their high point cost ensures that you won’t be bringing many of them, and their small size means that they can’t get into battles of attrition. Even Terminators will fall to enough lasgun fire.

You’ll want to pick your fights carefully, and not get attacked by several enemy units at once. Or get targeted by those hostile units that can dish out a considerable amount of damage. Or get bogged down by “tar pits,” large units of cheap scrubs who might be weedy, but take forever to wade through. I have a very vivid memory of a game where my Assault Terminators got swamped—and slowly ground down—by a huge mob of Grotz.

Necron Triarch Praetorians

The most important aspect of using Elites is teamwork. While Elites are great on their own, they particularly rock when combined with other units in your army. Having large squads of Troops nearby will draw attention away from Elites. Heavy Support and Fast Attack units can contribute to the damage they dish out. Adding a potent HQ character (or two) to an Elite close combat group can create a “death star” that will tear through the enemy. 

Elites are best assigned against Heavy Support units, Fast Attack units, HQ without a lot of backup, and isolated Troop squads. Elites usually excel operating on the fringes of the battle, where return attacks against them are limited. So, deploy them accordingly.

To Reserve, Or Not To Reserve?

If your Elite unit has the ability to appear in or near the other guy’s deployment zone, via some variety of Deep Strike or Ambush rule, then it’s certainly worth it to do so, making a surgical strike against targets rather than wading across a battlefield.

If not, then there’s no point in keeping them off the board. They’re too pricey and too good at breaking things to keep them out of the action just as reinforcements for your deployment zone. Get them into the fight tout de suite, and kick some ass. But, how best to do that?

Model painted and photographed by Philipp Hadler. Used with permission.

How To Deploy Elite Units

When placing your Elite units, remember teamwork. Put them near supporting Troop squads, or where Fast Attack and/or Heavy Support units can assist, or make sure to include a hard-hitting HQ with them. If you have Elites in Transports, it doesn’t hurt to accompany them with similarly mounted Troops, or Fast Attack vehicles that can provide additional firepower.

Whether they’re on foot or in Transports, you should put Elites near the front edge of your deployment zone. This applies equally to units that rely on shooting, as well as those dedicated to close combat. Remember, the guns of most shooty Elites have short to medium ranges, typically no more than 24″, so you’ll want to start out in good position to start inflicting damage on Turn 1.

You’ll usually want to put Elite units along a flank, or behind/among some cover to limit and mitigate the attacks your opponent can throw at them. Rare is the Elite unit that does well starting off in the middle of the board, out in the open. Think of them as a big right hook that hits the enemy on the side of the jaw when they’re not expecting it.  

Aeldari Wraithguard


So, what have we learned about deploying Elites?

  1. Team up Elites with other units
  2. Deep Strike against the enemy if you can
  3. If you can’t, start along the front edge of your deployment zone
  4. Deploy along a flank or amidst cover to minimize incoming attacks

Next time out, we’ll talk about Fast Attack units.

Kenton Kilgore writes fantasy books for young adults and adults who are still young. His most popular novels are Lost Dogs and Stray Cats, and now you can get them both for one low price in this Kindle box set, available only on Amazon for $4.99!

In Lost Dogs, when our world ends, their struggle begins! After inhuman forces strike without warning or mercy against mankind, Buddy, a German Shepherd, must band with other dogs to find food, water, and shelter in a world suddenly without their owners. But survival is not enough for Buddy, who holds out hope that he can find his human family again.

In Stray Cats, cats really do have nine lives–but they live them all at once, on different worlds. This follow-up to Lost Dogs features the adventures of Pimmi across the multiverse as she faces off against a cosmic menace threatening her and everyone she loves. But against such power, how can one small cat–even with nine lives–prevail?

Included in the boxed set are:

  • An alternate ending for Lost Dogs;
  • Lost Dogs original (2014) cover art;
  • Excerpt from Kenton’s next fantasy novel, The Scorpion & The Wolf (coming 2024);
  • Artwork from The Scorpion & The Wolf, by Alyssa Scalia

Dog lovers love Lost Dogs, and fans of felines adore Stray Cats. At last, you can have them both at one low price–get them now!